Richmond Strikers

Crafting a facility that supports the operations, brand, and impact of an recreational athletics organization.

Richmond Strikers was founded in 1975 to provide the Richmond area’s youth with a dynamic athletic experience. Over the years, they have expanded into other sports and now provide a range of recreational and travel athletic opportunities to 4,500 kids a year. Richmond Strikers engaged smbw in crafting a facility that supports the operations, brand, and impact of their organization. A destination facility, the building represents Richmond Strikers’ brand and permanence in the community, provides opportunities for other organizations to utilize their facility, and acts as an anchor for their larger community.

Project Profile Coming Soon

Recreational Athletics

Market: Community

Location: Richmond

Size: 8,260 SF

Year Completed:
Est. 2025


Located in Striker Park, the site allows the building to be a brand statement and connect with the community they serve. The building is split into two pavilions, one serving as the office and conference space and the other supporting storage, distribution, and locker rooms. The design helps manage costs, gain efficiency in operations, and create sheltered outdoor space for players and parents. The layout of the interior focuses on visual connection between the spaces, creating a refined reflection of the Strikers Brand and mission statement.

A high roof connects the two buildings and provides a covered area for loading and drop offs. An overhang and stepped seating facing the main fields allows for parents to gather and watch their kids play. The large expanse of glass along the east façade gives a commanding view of the soccer fields, allowing coaches and staff to easily observe all operations in the park. The lobby frames views of the soccer fields while also bringing in playful elements of the sport into the design of the space.


Pamunkey Tribe Cultural Resource Center


Blue Sky Fund